Tuesday, November 2, 2010

pop pop popcorn

popcorn would be the perfect snack: light, semi healthy, low calories.... IF ONLY it didn't get stuck in my teeth all the time! Visualize this... I'm at my desk.. picking at it, finger in the mouth, trying to remove it from my teeth with no luck, grumbling and close to drooling! ... not very classy haha.

popcorn would also be the perfect snack IF ONLY I could make it without burning it! .. I guess my listening skills are not very good because I cannot pinpoint that exact moment to press the "done" button on the microwave. So, I wait and wait a bit longer.. all of a sudden there is silence and of course, out comes a black puff of smoke! burnt popcorn = fail. This is a skill I am working on! ;)

none-the-less, I still love popcorn - regular kind (butter and salt) rather than kettle corn (sweet and salty)... mmmm now I shall enjoy my leftover festive Halloween popcorn (orange and black coloring)


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