Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What's good for your heart?!

Beans Beans "they're good for your heart!" ... the more you eat the more you fart, the more you fart, the better you feel... so what?! eat beans with every meal!!!!

I don't know about you, but I *heart* beans! But for some reason, I find a large number of guys do not care for beans. No bean black beans. No kidney beans. No bean chili. Now, is it really chili without beans?!?!? I think not!

Beans are good for you, so I highly recommend eating them!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quick & Easy

Now I understand the hardships of "growing up" and "fending for myself". When I was living at home, dinner would be cooked and ready to serve when I got home from work. Spoiled?! YES. (My daddy's the bestest). But now that I got my own place... it is I that has to prepare my own meals! After a long day at work, all I want is for the food to magically appear like before, but of course it doesn't.

So... when I'm lazy and need a quick fix (which is almost every night), what is the solution?!?! BOTTLED PASTA SAUCE! It works wonders.. boil the noodles, throw in some veggies, mushooms and pour the sauce on! Works miracles and tastes good too! Add some extra cheese on top and finish with a beer or glass of wine! Can't go wrong.

Thank you bottled pasta sauce for existing!
You make food appear... quickly!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hate it, then Love it

Why is it that you might hate eating something as a kid, but when you're older you really enjoy it. My dad never liked fish as a kid, but now he's always eating it. I hated when mom would make me eat oatmeal as a kid, but now I love it. I can remember when she wouldn't let me leave until I finished all my oatmeal. All the gagging in the world, wouldn't let me off the hook. I had to eat it all. Now though, it's not a problem.

Why oh why do our taste buds change like that? Then there are still some foods that you hated when you were younger and still hate to this day! Why? It makes no sense!

Hate it, love it, whatevers.. food makes the world go round! Let your taste buds do the talkin'

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How old is too old?!

I have the hardest time figuring out whether or not the food is still good. Take for instance last night.. I forgot to put away my cheese pizza. I woke up and it is still patiently waiting in the toaster to be put away. Is it still good?! Or will staying out all night make the cheese funky and upset my tummy?

Yogurt, how long after it expires is it still good? Because let me tell you, a whole box of yogurt from Costco is hard to finish by oneself, especially if you do not check the expiration date before you buy it. And only after you buy it, do you realize that it expires in 2 weeks!!! Still good a week later, right?

Milk, rice, etc... never can figure it out. Of course everyone says to smell it, which I do, but sometimes it is still hard to tell. Which means, it must be edible, right!?

Anyways, you better believe it... I have a stomach made of steel! =)