Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tough Choices

I'm sure you have your favorite restaurants that you frequently visit. And what do you order when you visit your favorite restaurant? Most times the same thing you do every time, right? Or is that just me? Either way, I find it hard to sway from my normal order which I know fulfills me far and beyond tummy satisfaction. Every time I think about changing it up, but at the last minute, I stick with my gut and order the same ol same ol.

There are the very RARE times that I do venture out of my comfort bubble and try something new... which is what I did today. While it was very good, the satisfaction, just was not the same as my usual order. Now I crave my regular dish! Shall I go back tomorrow or next week and get it?! That is a must!

Always get the dish you know you'll love. Satisfaction guaranteed and a happy tummy!


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